Rumworth School


Useful information for Parents and Carers


Procedure for reporting your child’s absence
Rumworth School wishes to promote the ethos of the best possible attendance for all. We understand that children can become unwell from time-to-time and want to work with families to support them in the event of a child’s absence from school.

​If your child is unwell or going to be absent from school for any reason, you are expected to call the school main switch board (01204 333600) to report their absence before 9.10am on the first day of the absence and on each subsequent day of absence (unless previously agreed with a designated Senior Leader), advising the school when they are expected to return. Any planned absences should be discussed with your child’s key stage team, giving as much notice as possible.


Term Dates 2024-2025

Please note that all school closures will be at the end of the school day for the dates listed 

Autumn Term 2024
INSET Day for all staff (students not in) Monday 2nd September 2024
INSET Day for all staff (students not in) Tuesday 3rd September 2024
INSET Day for all staff (students not in) Wednesday 4th September 2024
School opens for the Autumn Term Thursday 5th September 2024
School closes for the half-term break Friday 25th October 2024
Disaggregated INSET Day (students not in) Friday 1st November 2024
School opens after the half-term break Monday 4th November 2024
School closes for the Christmas holidays Friday 20th December 2024
Spring Term 2025
School opens for the Spring Term Monday 6th January 2025
School closes for the half-term break Friday 14th February 2025
Disaggregated INSET Day (students not in) Monday 17th February 2025
School opens after the half-term break Monday 24th February 2025
School closes for the half-term break Friday 4th April 2025
Summer Term 2025
School opens for the Summer Term Tuesday 22nd April 2025
Bank Holiday for everyone Monday 5th May 2025
School closes for the half-term break Friday 23rd May 2025
School opens after the half-term break Monday 2nd June 2025
School closes for the Summer holidays Friday 18th July 2025
Next academic year 2025-2026 starts  Monday 1st September 2025
INSET Day for all staff (students not in) Monday 1st September 2025
INSET Day for all staff (students not in) Tuesday 2nd September 2025
INSET Day for all staff (students not in) Wednesday 3rd September 2025
School opens for the Autumn Term Thursday 4th September 2025

School is open for students for 190 days during the academic year.
School is open for staff for those 190 days plus 5 additional INSET days during the academic year. 
All staff work the 5 INSET days, including those staff who are employed on a part-time contract.
All staff work two twilights for each Disaggregated INSET Day shown, dates TBC for those.

Rumworth School Term Dates and Holidays List - 2024-2025


You can now purchase school uniform with our official purple logo from Smart Clothing, which is located to the side of Bolton market. 

Navy blue or black skirt or trousers - required
Light blue or white blouse or polo shirt - required
Navy blue tie - optional 
Navy blue, jumper cardigan or sweatshirt - optional (students personal choice to wear during Winter and Summer months)
Black suitable school shoes - required 
Navy or black blazer - optional 

Dark grey or black trousers - required 
Light blue or white shirt or polo shirt - required
Navy blue tie - optional 
Navy blue, jumper cardigan or sweatshirt - optional (students personal choice to wear during Winter and Summer months) 
Black suitable school shoes - required 
Navy or black blazer - optional 

You will be informed nearer the time of when your child will be having PE. 
If your child is having PE in a morning then they will need to come to school wearing their PE clothing with their uniform in a bag. If PE is in an afternoon then school uniform must be worn in the morning and your child will come home in their PE clothes. 
A plain black tracksuit or jog pants and sweatshirt with a school PE t-shirt.  
PE skirts or shorts can be worn under the jog pants which must also be black or navy blue. 
Black or navy trainers. 
We ask that these items are as plain as possible and do not have logos and brand names visual. 

6th form students do not wear school uniform but are expected to be clean, neat and dressed appropriately for school. Shorts are not to be worn. 

You can also purchase the Rumworth school uniform from the My Uniform website.

School Clothing - Price List 2024

School Gateway Online Payments

How to activate School Gateway Online Payments

  1. Download the Android or iOS app
  2. Press ‘Sign Up’ then enter the email and mobile number your school has on record. If you’re not sure if they have the right details, it’s best to check and update first.
  3. Press ‘Send PIN’. You will receive a text message with your unique PIN.
  4. You’re now ready to log in and start using School Gateway.
  5. If you don’t have a smartphone or prefer to use a computer, you can set up your account using the web version of School Gateway.
  6. View the School Gateway knowledge base here.
  7. Any further queries, please contact the Rumworth School office.

Timings of the School day

  • The school day for students begins at 8:45 am daily
  • Breakfast club is available in communal areas from 8:30 am daily
  • The school day for students will end at 3:00 pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays
  • The school day for students will end at 2:30 pm on Fridays
  • The total time spent in school in a typical week is 30 hours and 45 mins

School Dinner Money

School dinners are £13.50 per week (£2.70 per day).
School meal payments can now be paid online using the School Gateway Online Payments service. You can also conveniently check your balance and receive reminders to ensure your child’s account remains in credit.
Please check instructions on how to use the School Gateway Online Payments service further up this webpage.

Free School Meals

Free School Meals Letter

Film and Photo Consent

As a staff team we find it helpful to be able to record the achievements of our students photographically so that they may see how they have progressed throughout the course of the academic year. These photographs may be used in school or on our social media streams with your permission. Occasionally, we may also be featured in the local press and would like to be able to use images for this purpose as well.

Rumworth School operates a number of social media accounts; you can follow us on Twitter (@rumworth), like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram (@rumworth) and we have a YouTube channel for videos. Some departments have their own streams for subject specific content.

Consequently, we are seeking your permission for the use of photography and filming of your child in school.

Please would you read, tick, sign and return the slip attached to your child’s form tutor to grant us this permission.

If you wish to withdraw this consent in the future, please contact the school to confirm.

Please click here to download the Film and Photo Consent letter

Medication Consent Letter

The health and safety of our pupils is of paramount importance to us at Rumworth and staff will always ensure that each individual’s needs, (medical or otherwise) are met. However, due to a recent increase in the number of students arriving in school with various medicines, we feel it is important that we kindly ask if you as parents and carers would follow the procedures below if you require any medication to be administered to your child in school. 

Prescribed Medicines only 

  • All prescribed medication MUST always be provided in the original container as dispensed by a pharmacist and include the prescribers instructions for administration and the child’s name. 
  • Parent/ carer to complete a consent form ensuring that all the required information is written clearly – (please contact the school to request a consent form). 
  • If any medication needs to be kept with the child at all times i.e. Inhalers, Epipens etc please state this clearly on the consent form otherwise the medication will be kept in the emergency rescue medicine cabinet in school. 
  • Pain relief medicine such as Calpol, Paracetamol and Ibuprofen must also be prescribed by the GP. 
  • Please ensure that you indicate on the letter if the child has already had a dose of the medicine before school, specifying the exact dosage and the exact time it was administered. 
  • Any medication must be delivered to school by a parent / carer and NOT sent with the child. 

If any students require liquid medication would you please ensure that a medicine spoon or syringe is also provided. 

PLEASE NOTE: Due to health and safety reasons, our staff are unable to administer any medication arriving into school contained in a blister pack; envelope or any that are not in their original container and kindly ask that ALL medication is brought into school and taken home by a consenting adult. 

Any medication that is out of date will also need to be collected by a consenting adult. 

We would like to thank you in advance for your cooperation with these issues, please do not hesitate to contact me at school if you require any further information. 

Yours Sincerely, 
Ms Gillian Fowler 
Assistant Head & Safeguarding Lead 
Rumworth School 
01204 333600

Please click here to download the Medication Letter

Agreement to Administer Medication Form

Please click here to download the Agreement to Administer Medication form

Fundraising for Rumworth School

You can help us to fundraise by registering with Easy Fundraising to gain donations whilst you shop online.

Useful Local Support Information for Parents

If you have any questions regarding this information please contact the school office on 01204 333600 and we will be able to advise you.

Direct Payment enquiries – 01204 336075

This number would be used to refer your child to the duty social worker to ask for an assessment – the assessment would be to ascertain if your child is eligible for a budget to access direct payments/respite care.

Employment support allowance – 08000556688

If your child were to apply for this they would need a sick note from their GP. If your child is of employment age and you have a sick note from your GP please contact the number above to see if your child is eligible.

Opening a bank account

A parent has noted that it is advisable to open a bank account now in your child’s name, if they don’t have one. This is because it is easier to open an account before they turn 18 when formal ID like a Driving Licence or Passport has to be seen. Having a bank account in your child’s name comes in handy if you are applying for Direct Payments or Bursary Payments when your child is in 6th form.

Breaking Barriers

It is a registered charity founded by parents of disabled children and young people 0 – 25 and their families. Their contact is

Bolton Parent Partnership Service

Are a community based, confidential and independent information and advisory service for parents of young people with special educational needs (SEN).

Bolton Shared Care

Short Break Care for disabled students including leisure activities. (Iain Massingham coordinates the leisure activities). Contact 01204 337108

Contact a Family

A website that covers information for families, from benefits to medical conditions. Free helpline 08088083555.

Citizens Advice Bureau

Can help with advice on whether you are claiming the correct benefits. When your child turns 16 these benefits can change and it may be beneficial for a young adult to claim benefits in their own right.

Special School Nursing Service

This is a nurse led service employed by Bolton NHS Foundation Trust that aims to provide safe, professional healthcare and guidance. The team have specialist knowledge and skills relating to children and young people who have Learning Disabilities and associated health conditions. The team provide assessment, support, training and advice, on a variety of health related issues. We Work in partnership with other services and agencies in order to meet the complex health needs of children attending the special schools.  Intervention plans often involve other people with whom your child has a close relationship, e.g. family, carers or school staff. Pupils commencing  reception up to age of 19 who attend Ladywood, Green Fold, Firwood and Rumworth Special Schools can all access the service. We will work with you and school staff to make sure that your child’s health and medical needs are met, including:

  • Health needs assessment in the first term of starting at the school.
  • Health needs leavers assessments.
  • Providing information, training and advice on a range of health care issues to child young person and school staff.
  • Weight and height monitoring and management.
  • Liaising with and referring to other services (as required), such as dental, social care and community nursing services.
  • Developing and reviewing health care plans.
  • Providing in school clinics for immunisations, blood tests and continence etc.
  • Support and training for school staff to manage health care issues and enable children to access school based activities

For more information please contact the school nursing team at your child’s school or: Special School Nursing Service, Pikes Lane Centre, Deane Rd, Bolton, BL3 5HP Tel:  01204 463660

Paediatric Learning Disability Service

Most of you will have had dealings with the Learning Disabilities Team. Our students have sessions with them in school. There are leaflets available from Rumworth explaining more about the service. Contact 01204 463660

Welfare Rights

Can help with DLA claims and disputes. Contact 01204 333820


Please contact us if you require paper copies of any documents on our website.